qstat -a
qstat -an
qstat -f : to see full details of a job
gstat -a
To kill all of your jobs: (queued and running)
for x in `qstat -a | grep 'username' | awk -F. {'print $1'}`;do qdel $x; done
To run a python program script command in a cluster node:
# /usr/bin/python # XY run on linux cluster.
# Run as $python XY-v1.0.py prg_script(.py)
# Advantage of the scripts is that this can be used to run XY # in any node processor
# of the cluster (or any linux cluster with PBS). But 1 job runs only on a single cpu
import sys, posix, fileinput, string, re
# XY path installed in your system
path = "/XY/bin"
stem = sys.argv[1]
cwd = posix.getcwd()
N = 0
jobname = """%s""" % (stem)
command = """echo "#PBS -l nodes=1
#PBS -m ae
#PBS -M your_e-mail
#PBS -l walltime=3:00:00
#PBS -l mem=512mb
#PBS -S /bin/bash
cd %s
%s/bin/xy %s.py" > %s.j
chmod +x %s.j
qsub %s.j
""" % (cwd, path, stem, jobname, jobname, jobname)
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